Chapter 171 "Spiritual Restriction" and "728 years old" (Seeking Subscription)_2

"You're not alone in experiencing this."

"Every wizard who practices spiritual power will find their meditation speed becomes incredibly slow after reaching Level 4."

"This phenomenon is called 'Spiritual Restriction'. There are many Level 4 wizards in the Wizard Realm, yet the number of Level 5 wizards doesn't even make up one percent of them."

"By relying solely on practicing meditation techniques over a long period, it's impossible for any Level 4 wizard to become a Level 5 wizard. Yes, any."

Bane began.

His speech was unhurried, but Milton clearly parsed every word.

Milton didn't interrupt Bane; he knew that Bane wasn't done explaining.

Sure enough, after a brief pause, Bane resumed speaking:

"Therefore, it is indispensable for a Level 4 Wizard to get help from an external source to progress."