Chapter 176: "Holy Radiance Kingdom" and "Divine Kingdom on Earth" (Asking for Subscription) _2

Milton Cheney started to ask.

This could no longer be considered probing; it was overtly blunt.

If the clergyman before him were a normal person, he certainly wouldn't just be responding with a faint smile.

But when Milton Cheney asked a question even a fool could answer, the clergyman before him didn't react at all.

Still just smiling faintly at him, but not answering the question.


Milton Cheney enquired softly.

"Milton, your heart is no longer sincere, you lack true devotion to the Holy Radiance Church, you lost your chance to become a believer."

"Leave this place."

The old man spoke.

"So it really was pre-set?"

"So does this mean that I triggered these words from the clergyman because I did not pray sincerely in the church before?"

Milton Cheney's thoughts were in a whirl.

It was too bizarre.

All the worlds he had experienced in his previous reincarnations were normal worlds.

But the world he was reincarnated into this time seemed rather abnormal.