Chapter 178: "Retrospective Object" and "Reincarnation of Flames Main God" (Subscription Requested)

Time passed, and in a blink of an eye, several months had already elapsed.

Inside the God of Holy Radiance's Divine Thought Space.

Milton Cheney was sitting facing a young man.

The young man who appeared to be only seventeen or eighteen years old was naturally the physical form of the God of Holy Radiance.

"The last scene you saw was a Divine Realm Consciousness."

God of Holy Radiance began.

Milton nodded slightly to signal his understanding.

"Such existence cannot be directly perceived. You were fortunate to have succeeded in reincarnation."

It was the second time Milton had heard this sentence.

He first heard it several months ago.

The one who said it to him was still the God of Holy Radiance, only it was his Divine Thought.

Cannot be directly perceived?

Milton could understand some of the Divine Realm Consciousness, which might be similar to World Consciousness.

But the fact that he couldn't directly view it gave Milton a few thoughts.