Chapter 182: "Seventh Void Battlefield" and "The Old Man" (Seeking Subscriptions)

After a while, Milton Cheney's consciousness is cast from the world within a white light.

When Milton Cheney regains his senses, he finds himself in the Reincarnation Space of the Simulator.

The scene before Milton Cheney changes the next moment, giving way to a familiar spectacle.

Milton Cheney opens his eyes slowly, perched atop the Wizard Tower.

A couple of artificial voices echo within his mind.

[Reincarnation Simulation Ended!]

[Successfully Retained Simulated Memory!]

[Host Detected To Not Be Affected By Reincarnation Memories, Simulator Memory Protection Function Not Activated, Activate Now?]

[Host Identified As 'Demigod', Retain Changes To Adapt To Wizard Realm Rules?]

"Do not activate memory protection."

"Retain changes to adapt to the rules of the Wizard Realm."

Milton Cheney mentally commands.

In the next moment, Milton Cheney's vision alters, revealing his Spiritual Sea before his eyes.