Chapter 196: "New Way of Death" and "Severing the Path of Fate" (Please Subscribe)_2


[Ninety-five years old: You interrupted your Practicing Meditation Technique and undertook the first compulsory mission after becoming a Level 4 Wizard.]

[Ninety-seven years old: You left the Guardian Sea and headed to the Stellar Realm for the mission.]


[Two hundred and eighty-two years old: Waiting for the right time to complete the mission, you haven't slacked in your Practicing Meditation Technique during this period.]

[Two hundred and ninety-three years old: Although the progress of Practicing Meditation Technique isn't fast, you are still persisting in it.]


[Three hundred and fifty-two years old: You completed the mission in the Guardian Sea successfully, but you didn't return to the Guardian Sea straight away. Instead, you went first to the Wizard Realm to earn some Magic Stones.]

[Three hundred and eighty-five years old: You left the Wizard Continent and returned to the Guardian Sea to hand over the completed mission.]
