Chapter 199 "8.5 Talent" and "Hidden Rules" (Please subscribe)

Within the Wind Spirit Academy, in a courtyard.

Piers saw Milton Cheney in front of him, a solemn look in his eyes.

Milton's talent was extraordinary high, but two years was a little too short.

Despite Milton having access to countless resources in the Wind Spirit Academy, after two years he still remained a Level 1 Spiritualist.

The path of a spiritualist is a bit similar to the Wizard Path.

At least in terms of difference, there is a massive gap between a level 1 Spiritualist and a level 2 Spiritualist.

So, to break through from a Level 1 Spiritualist to a Level 2 Spiritualist, the difficulty is naturally quite high.

Even if Milton possessed exceptional talent, two years was still too short.

However, although Milton did not break through to a Level 2 Spiritualist, it was already sufficient.

Now, he was a strong existence among the Level 1 Spiritualists.

He was still unafraid when facing the examination of the Soul Academy Branch.