Chapter 198: "Wind Spirit Academy" and "Level 1 Spiritualist" (Seeking Subscription)

Time always slips away inadvertently.

Just like that, two years had passed in the blink of an eye.

It had been sixteen years since Milton Cheney was reincarnated into the Soul Realm.

This day marked his official coming of age.

Becoming an adult meant that Milton could now choose the path of a Spiritualist.

Although he retained his memories at birth during this reincarnation into the Soul Realm.

Some things could not be accomplished merely by having memories from previous life.

Like the training for the transcendent path of the Spiritualist.

Despite having all his past life's memories, Milton was unable to walk the path of a Spiritualist due to age restrictions.

Fortunately, sixteen years had passed.

From now on, the Soul Realm would be a boundless world for Milton.

The Morning Breeze Region, Gale City.

Gale City was the central city in the Morning Breeze Region, making it the largest city in the region.