Chapter 202: "Spiritual Law" and "20 Years Later" (Please Subscribe)

Soul Academy, Sun Tower.

Inside the room, Milton Cheney stopped practicing Heart Technique.

The Spiritual Bead floating in front of him was collected back into his Spatial Ring by Milton.

"Level 2 Spiritualist."

Feeling the spiritual power within his body, Milton thought to himself.

After becoming a Level 1 Spiritualist, although the speed of his cultivation of Heart Technique did not slow down.

However, it still took Milton a dozen years to progress from a Level 1 Spiritualist to a Level 2 Spiritualist.

This was due to his high talent on the Spiritualist Path in this world.

It suggests that if his talent were ordinary, becoming a Level 2 Spiritualist would definitely not be an easy task.

After all, the dean of the Wind Spirit Academy, despite practicing Heart Technique for hundreds of years, is only a Level 2 Spiritualist.

And Milton, he just spent over a dozen years.