Chapter 203 "Dark Body" and "Suddenly Enlightened" (Please Subscribe)

Milton Cheney did not speak, standing calmly on the spot.

After glancing subconsciously at the old man next to him, Milton made no unnecessary movements.

Indeed, a surge of thoughts had rushed into his mind in that brief moment.

However, these ideas were quickly dismissed from his mind.

"You must be Merlin? A good youngster I believe."

The old man in front of Milton had a flash of white light in his eyes that seemed to have fully seen through Milton.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am the Old Dean referred to by the old man next to you, Carl Laine."

"And the old man at your side, he's my younger brother, Dole Laine."

After Carl finished speaking, Milton formally said:

"Old Dean, thank you."

A Level 7 Spiritualist was certainly worthy of Milton's deep respect.

Hearing Milton's words, Carl chuckled lightly and said, "No trouble at all."

With that said, a movement of his hand and a red transparent sphere appeared in his palm.