Chapter 208 "10 Rules" and "Simulation Ends" (Please Subscribe)

"Is there a way to fix it?"

Milton Cheney asked.

Upon hearing Milton's question, Carl's furrowed brows relaxed, an expression of contemplation appearing on his face.

"There is a solution - that's to make up for the missing part of your main consciousness," Carl said.

As his words fell, Milton nodded, indicating his understanding.

He knew this naturally, after all, the reason he couldn't fuse the rules was due to the issue of his consciousness.

There was nothing wrong with his body, but due to the Reincarnation Simulation...

Only a single strand of his original consciousness from the Wizard Realm existed within this body.

"Except for completing the consciousness, is there any other way?"

Milton asked again.

This was a matter of personal concern. If there was indeed a solution that allowed him to assimilate a rule during this simulation, it would only be beneficial for him.