Chapter 218: "Over 500 Years" and "Spiritual Body Transformation" (seeking subscription)

Time slowly passes, who knows how long it has been?

Quietly, a newborn Young Spirit was born in the True Spirit Sea.

Milton Cheney's consciousness, engulfed in darkness, gradually recovered, and the memories in his mind become clear over time.

Only when Milton's consciousness was fully recovered, and his memories were clear, did he begin to perceive his surroundings.

As expected, the sensation was identical to his previous reincarnation into the True Spirit Realm.

Reincarnating into the True Spirit Realm for the second time gave Milton some more experience.

After all, he still adhered to the principle that "practice makes perfect".

The next moment, a new memory appeared in Milton's mind.

This sudden memory in his mind was the same as the memory that appeared after his last reincarnation into this world.

"The memory of the True Spirit Sea should be shared by every Young Spirit born in the True Spirit Sea," Milton mused at this familiar memory.