Chapter 221: "300,000 Years" and "4th Spiritual Body Transformation" (Seeking Subscription)

In the midst of the True Spirit Sea Region.

A spiritual body, at times indistinct, continually absorbs the energy from the Spiritual Sea.

This spiritual body belongs to Milton Cheney, who has fallen into a state of spiritual body hibernation.

After falling into this hibernation, even Milton cannot forcefully end it.

It is like a deep sleep—unless one wakes up naturally, one cannot break it, even if it is oneself.

Under these circumstances, Milton has no consciousness to perceive what has happened or is happening in the outside world.

If Milton were awake at this moment, his mind would absolutely not linger here, continuing to absorb energy from the Spiritual Sea.

Because at this very moment, in a region very close to him...

A colossal spiritual body is slowly drifting.

However, strangely, this colossal spiritual body seems to not have detected Milton's hibernating spiritual body.

Or perhaps it has detected it, but chose to ignore it.