Chapter 219: "Inherited Memory" and "Spiritual Sea Tides" (Please subscribe)_2

No wonder the World Consciousness of the Wizard Realm wants to evolve the realm into a world centered around the World Sea. It appears all these worlds are as twisted as each other.

Dispelling the chaos of thoughts in his mind, Milton Cheney stops pondering.

At this point, further contemplation wouldn't help him anyway.

Rather than contemplating these far-off matters, he should focus on how to cling to life in this region.

On becoming a True Spirit, Milton can only say he'd do his utmost.

With extreme luck, and without a single misstep, perfect transformation of the spiritual body four times at its limit, only then would Milton have a slight hope of becoming a True Spirit.

Of course, compared to the other Young Spirits, Milton holds significant advantages.

Because compared to other Young Spirits, Milton more closely resembles a genuine living being.

He has consciousness, he has memory, he can think, he can strategize.

What he lacks, is the extreme luck.