Chapter 222: "True Spirit Bridge" and "First Leaping Spirit Bridge" (Please Subscribe)

The inherited memories gradually become clear in Milton Cheney's mind.

After digesting all the inherited memories, many thoughts emerged in Milton Cheney's heart.

Indeed, there are only three sea regions in the True Spirit Sea.

However, whenever a young spirit body completes the fourth spiritual body transformation, it can proceed to face the final challenge of the young spirit body, the True Spirit Bridge, in the True Spirit Sea.

As long as the young spirit body can leap across the True Spirit Bridge, it can transform into a true spirit body.

Just this alone can show how difficult it is to leap across the True Spirit Bridge.

It could even be said that a young spirit body that has undergone four transformations only possesses the admission ticket to attempt the leap across the True Spirit Bridge.

The opportunity has now been given to Milton Cheney, whether he can seize it depends on him alone.

Milton Cheney slowly exhales a breath.