Chapter 228: 'The Independent Consciousness of World Consciousness' and 'Milton Cheney's Speculation' (Request for Subscription)


[Simulation Ends, Please Choose Your Reward!]

[Retain Realm] or [Retain Technique]

[You can choose to retain three memories!]

Milton Cheney's gaze moved away from the last line of black text on the light screen.

As his gaze moved, the black text on the pale blue light screen gradually began fading.

"Retain realm."

The next moment, Milton Cheney made up his mind and chose to retain the realm.

For the second time of text simulation, Milton Cheney still chose to retain realm.

After all, for him at this moment, the realm of spiritual power is most important. Magic has become secondary.

Considering that he incorporated the rules, even without using magic, Milton Cheney now ranked at the top of Level 4 Wizards.

The moment he chose to retain realm, slight waves stirred within Milton Cheney's Spiritual Sea.

But this only lasted an instant, and the ripples in Milton Cheney's Spiritual Sea calmed down again.