Chapter 232 "Reincarnation in the Tide Realm" and "Simulation Ends" (Subscription Requested) _2

"No rush, take it slow."

In the courtyard, Milton Cheney slowly opens his eyes.

His gaze was fixed on the huge sun hanging in the sky, his mind slightly pondering.


Time slowly passes, and in the blink of an eye, thirty years have vanished.

In Great Dryville, Four Seas City, the Tai-Chi Tower.

Milton Cheney sits cross-legged on the bed, holding a book in his hands.

The book is clearly quite old, the pages have all turned yellow.

But Milton Cheney calmly flips through the pages, his gaze always focused on the content inside.

As time passes, the book gradually reaches its final page in Milton's hands.

Milton scrutinizes the content on the last page of the book; only after quite a while he gently closes it.

After closing it, he sets the old book aside.

Milton's expressions do not change, he merely stretches out his hand to gently massage his brow.

Thirty years have passed, and the now middle-aged Milton has aged.