Chapter 235: "Dusk Realm Master" and "Inter-realm Stone" (Please Subscribe)_2

Upon hearing these words, Milton Cheney nodded gently.

Five years after leaving the academy, it was indeed time for him to return to the Middle Domain.

This time upon his return, Cheney felt he would finally encounter the transcendent power that truly characterized this world.

It had to be said, the identity Cheney was born into during this life was most certainly considered noble in this world.

The Cheney of the past did not understand, but as he learned more about this world, he also became aware of the uniqueness of his own status.

Merely being born in the Middle Domain was proof of his uncommon status.

This was one of the reasons why Cheney had never acted recklessly over the years.

After all, having a great starting point, Cheney naturally planned more meticulously to ensure he didn't squander this simulation opportunity.

"I understand. You may return first. The new bishop should be arriving soon."

Cheney pondered inwardly.