Chapter 245 "Trouble Appears" and "Instinct of the World Consciousness" (Please Subscribe)_2

Even though they were realm masters, they weren't reckless to that extent.

After all, if they were asked to deal with the wizarding world alone, the possibility of failing this mission might become a reality.

The moment the Deep Blue Realm Master finished speaking,

this sudden openness on the massive web gradually grew bigger and bigger.

The hole enlarged at an exceptionally rapid pace, even faster than all the realm masters combined could mend it.

With this speed, the large web they weaved would be destroyed in no time.

That is to say, all their previous efforts would have been wasted.

Among the many realm masters, one of them furrowed his brows slightly, sensing something wrong.

"Something's off. Even if that transcendent being is powerful beyond the world's limits, it should not be able to destroy our web so easily."

This realm master voiced out.

Right after his words fell, a hint of doubt appeared on the face of the Deep Blue Realm Master.