Chapter 253 "Two Years Later" and "Four Text Simulations" (Subscribe Please)_1


Bane's words ended, and Milton's expression remained unchanged.

After all, Milton had already known about the mix-up with the Unowned Rules in a simulation long ago.

"Since it's already confirmed to be a mix-up, why are there still wizards staying in that Void Battlefield?"

Milton asked with a hint of curiosity.

In fact, he deliberately asked this question.

Hearing this, a hint of helplessness appeared on Bane's face.

"There's no helping it. The wizards remaining in the Void Battlefield are those who cannot accept reality."

"If it weren't for you, I might not have been able to get away so easily,"

Bane said.

Hearing this, Milton nodded his head.

All of this he had already understood.

"I can no longer sense your Spiritual Power. Has your wizard's realm surpassed mine?"

Bane suddenly spoke in surprise.

He had just subconsciously tried to feel Milton's Spiritual Power, but discovered he could not perceive it at all.

This situation had never occurred before.