Chapter 261 "Perception Evolution" and "Transformation Begins" (Please Subscribe)_2

At this moment, Milton Cheney understood why he had never felt any change in his body before.

The change was simply too gradual and scarce for his previous perception ability to detect, so it was completely normal for him to not have sensed it.

Milton had suspected this before.

But it was just speculation then, whereas now, he had verified those speculations as fact.

With the passage of time, this kind of change would definitely lead to the true transformation of Milton's demon body.

The enhancement of his perceptual ability at this moment was just one aspect of this change.

Milton was certain that, if his demon body were to transform, the resulting changes wouldn't be limited to just a stronger perceptual ability.

Perhaps there would also be unexpected surprises waiting for him.

After all, Milton Cheney did not believe that the inherited memory he received before was the last one.

With this in mind, Milton no longer dwelled on it, nor did he continue to sense his own body.