Chapter 266 "88 Talent Abilities" and "Demonic Flame Pool" (Please Subscribe)_1

After Milton Cheney joined Order Seventeen, his understanding of the Demon Tribe deepened.

Within the Demon Tribe, there are a total of eighty-eight Orders.

These Orders can be seen as subtribes within the larger Demon Tribe.

The initial division of Demon Orders was based on the Talent Abilities of demons.

The eighty-eight Orders actually represent the eighty-eight types of Talent Powers demons might possess after completing their second Transformation.

However, this was the original division of Orders.

As the Crimson World developed and grew, many demons with different Talent Abilities emerged within different Orders.

For instance, Order Seventeen, which Milton Cheney has joined.

Initially, Order Seventeen was actually associated with the demon's 'Void' Talent Ability.

But now, that's completely different.

Within Order Seventeen, demons of all eighty-eight Talents exist.