Chapter 270 "The Largest Scale War" and "Strange War Mode" (Please Subscribe)_2

Whichever order emerged victorious, that order would stand to gain benefits.

However, these benefits had little to do with low-level demons like Milton Cheney.

The only relevance the war had to low-level demons like Milton was that they were expected to serve as cannon fodder.

For this reason, regardless of the scale, the order war could never truly be to the death.

After all, at the birth of the Crimson World, there were eighty-one orders.

Countless years have passed since, and the Crimson World still comprises eighty-one orders.

This alone was enough to indicate that the order war was not a fight to the death.

After all these years, numerous large-scale order wars had erupted in the Crimson World.

Yet, not a single order was annihilated in these grand conflicts.

Although it was just a conjecture of Milton's, he was almost certain that the reality was ninety percent similar to his guess.

But even then, it didn't have much to do with low-level demons like him.