Chapter 272 "The End of the War" and "Return to the Territory" (Please Subscribe)_1

Within a strange Space, Milton Cheney gradually returned to a state of awareness from the deep emptiness of his mind.

This was not because he intentionally left that state.

Instead, at this moment, a voice suddenly emerged in his mind.

After the appearance of this voice, he naturally could not continue to stay in a state of complete mental emptiness.

After all, this Space did not solely belong to his Territory.

"I did not expect that Order Seventeen would ultimately lose this Order War."

Hearing the voice in his mind, Milton Cheney mused to himself.

The emotionless voice that echoed in his mind delivered only one message.

That message was that the Order War had ended, and Order Seventeen had undoubtedly lost this time.

Milton Cheney had won in this Order War, but his victory alone could not change the ultimate outcome of the war.

After all, the number of Demons participating in the war from both great Orders was so immense that Milton Cheney could hardly imagine it.