Chapter 277 "World Reshaping" and "Simulation Ends" (Please Subscribe)_3

The master of Order Seventeen's heart surged with tumultuous thoughts, ones he himself could scarcely believe.

If he hadn't truly sensed the presence of the master of Order Nineteen within the Abyssal Domain, he would never have conceived such thoughts.

Even in his perception, this familiar presence was drawing closer to him.

It wasn't long before a figure appeared within this space.

This figure was much larger than a giant.

However, the Demon body of the master of Order Seventeen also gradually shrank in this moment, until it was about the same size as the figure.


The master of Order Seventeen's massive voice echoed in the space, tinged with a hint of doubt and uncertainty.

As soon as the voice sounded, the figure in front of him chuckled lightly and nodded.

"You have become a Transcendent?"

The voice sounded again, and the figure continued to nod.

The master of Order Seventeen didn't continue to ask, as the vast space fell into a strangely silent atmosphere.