Chapter 286 "Return to the Kasen Subcontinent" (Please Subscribe)_1

Within the Wizard Tower, Milton Cheney's expression remained unchanged.

However, his heart was pondering the crux of the problem.

After contemplating for a moment, Milton Cheney finally decided to verify it personally.

After all, when he had constructed the Rules Space in the Text Simulation, there had been no accidents.

Since the complete Rules Space constructed in the Text Simulation had not been retained in reality, it was natural for Milton Cheney to complete this final step in reality.

Otherwise, all his previous efforts would have been in vain.

"Then I shall proceed to the Void of the Wizard Realm in reality and complete this final step of constructing the Rules Space,"

Milton Cheney mumbled to himself.

Having made up his mind, Milton Cheney naturally had no reason to hesitate any longer.

The next moment, his figure moved and vanished from the Wizard Tower in the Guardian Sea.