Chapter 284 "A New Attempt at Text Simulation" and "Construction of Rules Space" (Please Subscribe)_2

This meant that even if he truly couldn't prevent the destruction of the Wizard Realm thousands of years later, he could leave the Wizard Realm and find another way.

Dead-end persistence was not an option.

Even if the Simulator hadn't been upgraded, Milton Cheney wouldn't resort to dead-end persistence.

Moreover, after this Simulator Upgrade, Milton saw other paths and had even less reason to persist stubbornly.

At this moment, he possessed the realm of a Level 5 Wizard, mastered Ring Magic, and had a consciousness that surpassed that of a regular Level 5 Wizard.

Although he hadn't been a Level 5 Wizard for long.

But compared to others who had just reached the Level 5 Wizard status, Milton was undoubtedly much stronger.

After pondering for a moment, Milton temporarily pushed aside the distractions in his mind.

"Retain the memories from when I was seventy-nine, eighty, and five hundred and twenty-two years old."