Chapter 288 "Major Changes in Reincarnation Space" & "The Universe Beyond the Universe" (Please Subscribe)_2

The next moment, Milton Cheney's gaze settled on a dark green light.

Calling it a light point was somewhat of an understatement, as it was more like a light cluster.

This time, the newly added lights were all incredibly large.

At least much larger than the Wizard Realm.

However, they were still no match for the worlds at the center of the World Sea and those within the Abyssal Domain.

Of course, there were worlds that could rival these, and many of them at that, a great many.

There were even more of these worlds than all the similar worlds in the three major realms combined.

This was why it appeared to Milton Cheney that there were far more than double the number of worlds now.

Because light clusters crammed together always look more impressive than scattered light points.

Still, the world Milton Cheney chose was naturally not the largest among the newly added worlds.

It was even smaller than those in the Abyss.