Chapter 305 "White Jade Ascension Immortal Manual" and "Union of Immortal Techniques" (Subscription Request)_2

Hearing these words, Octavius Yarrow's heart finally felt a huge weight lifted.

A Great Cultivator at the pinnacle of the Golden Core Realm wouldn't deceive him a second time.

Perhaps in the Cultivation Realm, there truly were such pure-hearted individuals. It was just that he had never encountered one before.

"May I ask, if you obtain this Cultivation Method, may I continue to practice it?"

Octavius Yarrow asked again.

At this moment, he had already decided to make the exchange.

Even if later he had to give up this Cultivation Method, he would feel some disappointment but would no longer have any other emotions about it.

After all, with these cultivation resources, he could always practice another Cultivation Method and gradually improve.

In the end, a Cultivation Method is just that, a Cultivation Method.

A Cultivation Method merely determines a cultivator's limit.

Even if he possessed a method that could cultivate to the level of a True Immortal, what then?