Chapter 310 "Power of Merit" and "Old Lee is the Biggest Leak" (Subscription Request)_1

Milton Cheney pondered in his heart, suddenly, his Divine Sense trembled slightly.

A faint smile also emerged on his face.

They've really caught up.

The speed is decent, just don't know which Nascent Soul True Monarch from the Jade Cauldron Immortal Sect is coming.

Indeed, the allure of Deity Transformation stage treasures is significant.

In the next moment, Old Lee's body, lying not far from Milton Cheney, trembled slightly.


Moments later, the corpse exploded completely into a cloud of blood mist.

The air was filled with a strong scent of blood, but with a gust of wind, the bloody smell was gone without a trace.

And the figure of Milton Cheney had long vanished from this place.

Being targeted was not something Milton Cheney feared, as he was not just an average mid-Nascent Soul Cultivator.

Moreover, he had come to this Region controlled by the Jade Cauldron Immortal Sect precisely to exchange for some resources.