Chapter 311 "3300 Years of Cultivation" and "Five Viscera Spirit Fire" (Please Subscribe)_1


Time slowly trickled by, and in the blink of an eye, eighty years had passed.

In the Cave Mansion, Milton Cheney slowly opened his eyes.

His gaze flitted across a streak of crimson light.

In the next moment, the light retracted, and the fire-attribute Spiritual Power swirling around Milton Cheney was forcibly drawn into his body.

"The Power of Merit is truly remarkable; it's such a tremendous help in cultivation."

Milton Cheney felt deeply in his heart.

His greatest gain from coming to the Northern Thirteen Domains was this Power of Merit.

After obtaining the Power of Merit, Milton Cheney didn't use it indiscriminately, so over these eighty years, he used very little of it.

Once he understood the wonders of the Power of Merit, Milton Cheney then decided its future uses.

The Power of Merit was tied to fate.

You see, for cultivators attempting to break through after the Nascent Soul Realm, there are bottlenecks at every turn.