Chapter 322 "The Times Have Changed" and "Lotus Monarch Solving Doubts" (Seeking Subscriptions)_1

The moment Milton Cheney heard these words, the hand holding the books tightened slightly.

There wasn't much change in his expression, but appropriately, a touch of doubt emerged.

"Achieving Immortal through the Power of Merit? I'm troubled, Monarch, please enlighten me," Milton Cheney said, his curiosity piqued.

The Lotus Monarch didn't think much of it, assuming it was just Milton Cheney's curiosity at play.

Little did the Lotus Monarch know that Milton Cheney's heart was far from as calm as he appeared on the surface.

Although it was the first time he had heard of Achieving Immortal through the Power of Merit, the word "merit" was not new to him.

In fact, a major reason he had been able to cultivate to the Unification Realm was the Power of Merit he received during his Nascent Soul phase.

Achieving Immortal through the Power of Merit, Milton Cheney guessed, must be closely related to the Power of Merit.