Chapter 326 "The Ambition to Become the Master of the World" and "The Bloody Sea Realm Devoured" (Please Subscribe)_1

Within the Bloody Sea Realm.

Milton Cheney's figure appeared out of nowhere, surrounded by emptiness.

"It seems I'm still late, the actions of these wizards are indeed fast."

After sensing his surroundings, Milton Cheney murmured to himself.

The Outer Realm battlefield of the Bloody Sea Realm had been completely swept clean, but within the real Bloody Sea Realm, there were still many Blood Descendants remaining.

However, Milton Cheney was just here to take a look.

He would not truly participate.

It was fine for him to clean up the Outer Realm battlefield, but he naturally would not bother with the actual Blood Pools within the Bloody Sea Realm.

After all, this was not child's play; even a cornered rabbit will bite.

The Bloody Sea Realm at this moment was like a fierce beast driven to desperation, and while kicking it while it's down could possibly yield some gains, it was accompanied by a significant possibility of a looming crisis.