Chapter 327 "The Universe's Primordial Consciousness" and "Void Space Devourer" (Please Subscribe)_2

This time, with the accumulated Text Simulation and the True Body Simulation, if nothing unexpected arose during the simulation, Milton Cheney would smoothly ascend to the Level 6 Wizard Immortal Realm.

Of course, an accident was impossible.

After all, Milton Cheney had been planning for more than a day or two.

He knew exactly what he needed to do in the simulation.

As long as those simulations he had been through before ran without any issues, there would be no accidents occurring in these two simulations.

Milton Cheney was quite confident in this regard.

After the Text Simulation began, lines of black text started to emerge on the light screen.

Milton Cheney stared intently at the light screen before him, his gaze deep and inscrutable, his complexion calm and indifferent.

Time passed slowly, and moments later, the flow of black text halted.


[Simulation ends, please select your reward!]

[Maintain State] or [Preserve Sorcery]