Chapter 329: "Arousing Interest" and "Void Space Walker" (Please Subscribe)_2

It's just a pity that the pace at which Black Sea ascended to a Sixth Stage Wizard Immortal was too slow.

Milton Cheney did not believe that Black Sea would perish so easily, so the next moment, his thoughts shifted.

[Sixth Stage Witch Immortal Art·Life and Death Retrospection]!

As Milton Cheney cast the Witch Immortal Technique.

A bright light illuminated his forehead, and a massive light screen appeared before him.

Displayed on the light screen was a young man in a black robe, his face stern.

At that moment, the young man was frantically performing Witch Immortal Techniques, seemingly assaulting a certain realm.

Suddenly, a beam of white light flashed, and a large hand reached out from a rift within the void, seizing the young man who was performing the Witch Immortal Techniques and then disappeared.

The next moment, the light screen shattered, turning into beams of light that scattered in front of Milton Cheney.

"What is this?"