Chapter 334 "Text Simulation after the Upgrade" and "Absolute Personality" (Seeking Subscriptions)_1


Time flew by quickly.

Two full years had passed since the completion of the Simulator Upgrade.

This also meant that the upgraded Simulator had accumulated its first opportunity for a Text Simulation.

Within the Rules Space.

Milton Cheney sat cross-legged, with a thought stirring in his heart.

The next moment, the familiar light blue light curtain of the Simulator appeared and floated in front of him.

Ignoring the Attribute Panel column on the light curtain, Milton's gaze lingered on the Simulation Count column.

[Text Simulation Count:1]

[Would you like to start the Text Simulation?]

Seeing that there was one Text Simulation chance accumulated on the light curtain, Milton didn't hesitate and initiated the Simulator's first simulation since the upgrade with a mere flicker of thought.

Although Milton had guessed that the Simulator Upgrade would be of great help to him,