Chapter 343 "The Six Great Daoists of the Immortal Realm" and "Longevity Path" (Subscribe Requested)_1

Primitive Immortal Path.

At this moment, when Milton Cheney heard what the steward had said, it was impossible for him not to feel at least a bit surprised.

Milton had not expected that the steward would recognize the Cultivation Method he had switched to with just a glance, even going so far as to reveal that it came from an era seven hundred epochs ago.

Seven hundred eras of opportunity.

Although Milton did not know exactly how long the intervals between these eras were, it was not difficult for him to infer from the steward's words that the Path of Cultivation he had now adopted might have already been abandoned by this world?

Knowing this, Milton did not feel the slightest bit of disappointment; instead, he felt a sense of unexpected joy.

After all, to be abandoned means to be outdated.

This meant that the Cultivation paths within the Immortal Realm at this time were definitely more advanced.