Chapter 354 "The Dilemma Before Us" and "Making a Decision" (Subscribe Please)_1

[Reincarnation Simulation Ended!]

[Successfully retained reincarnation simulation memory!]

[Host detected to be uninfluenced by reincarnation memory, Simulator Memory Protection Function not activated, activate now?]

[Host detected as 'Slashing Longevity Cultivator', retain and modify to adapt to Wizard Realm Rules?]

"Do not activate memory protection."

"Retain realm and adapt to Wizard Realm Rules."

Within reality, inside the Rules Space.

Hearing the mechanical voice echo in his mind, Milton Cheney's thoughts stirred, and the memories of this reincarnation simulation gradually became crystal clear.

The realm within the simulation was also successfully carried over into reality.

The very next moment, Milton Cheney's consciousness instantly entered the Spiritual Sea.

Cheney, sitting cross-legged inside the Rules Space, attempted to mobilize the power belonging to a Slashing Longevity Cultivator.