Chapter 360 "Speculation in the Heart" and "500,000 Years" (Please Subscribe)_2

It was because Milton Cheney, the "survivor" of the Wizard Realm, was related to Mansour, who had stepped onto the Path of Transcendence.

To know, becoming a Transcendent and stepping onto the Path of Transcendence are two completely different concepts.

In the World Sea realms, although the number of Transcendents is not many, there are indeed some, but most of these Transcendents choose to break free from their cages to walk on two other paths.

And those who truly choose to step onto the Path of Transcendence are not many.

Because the Path of Transcendence is a road of no return.

Any Transcendent, before becoming one, has only a faint memory of the Path of Transcendence.

But once they become a Transcendent, memories of the Path of Transcendence, along with the other two paths, will automatically be inherited within their minds.

At that time, after weighing the pros and cons, Transcendents are very unlikely to choose to enter the Path of Transcendence.