Chapter 368 "Exalting the Divine Kingdom" and "Incredibly Hard to Believe" (Subscription Requested)_2


Perhaps, those other Level 9 Demigods are also clear about this point.

But exchanging ten thousand spirits for an inner solace seems like not a bad deal.

However, self-deception is something Milton Cheney naturally would not indulge in.

Because from the very beginning, Milton never placed his hopes of becoming a True God on this so-called Flying Divine Platform of White Beach.

He doesn't need solace.

If he succeeds this time, great, but even if he fails, it doesn't mean he's out of chances.

After all, five Reincarnation Simulations are merely forty years in reality.

If it were the former Milton Cheney, maybe he would have felt distressed, but for the Milton of now, such emotions are nearly impossible to arise.

After all, once a person's experiences accumulate, the fluctuations in their emotions become fewer.

Moreover, failure isn't certain.

After all, on the Flying Divine Platform, many Level 9 Demigods have failed, but there are also those who have succeeded.