Chapter 374 "The Fallen" and "Fate Simulation Count" (Please Subscribe)_2

"What are the 'Fallen'?"

Milton Cheney asked in an indifferent tone.

By now, he no longer needed to beat around the bush; he was not afraid of Mansour catching on to anything.

After all, Mansour's life was already under his control; what need was there for pretense?

Hearing that Milton Cheney did not directly answer his question, Mansour wasn't surprised. Although he hadn't completely given up hope at this moment, he was very aware of his situation.

Transcendence was probably unlikely.

To say that there was no hatred in Mansour's heart would be impossible.

He was nearly driven mad, but what was the point? No matter how much he hated, it wouldn't change anything about his current situation.

Unless he could travel through time, going back to the past before this had all begun and strangling Milton Cheney in his cradle.

But that was impossible, for he lacked the ability.

If he truly had such power, he wouldn't have spent countless years scheming for transcendence.