Chapter 375 "Inner World" and "Transcendence Path" (Subscribe Please)_2

The next moment, he called up the light blue light screen of the Simulator without any hesitation.

His gaze lingered on the row indicating the Simulation Count.

[Text Simulation Times: 147]

[Would you like to start the Text Simulation?]


Milton Cheney didn't hesitate to start the Text Simulation, having accumulated nearly one hundred and fifty opportunities.

After all, the future ahead of him was now completely unfamiliar.

The answer to whether he would become a Transcendent was already inevitable, as Milton could clearly sense his impending transcendence.

But what would happen after transcendence, what he would face, he had no clue at the moment.

Therefore, Milton didn't hesitate at all and decisively started a Text Simulation.

Although one Text Simulation might not significantly enhance his abilities, it would definitely allow him to gain some direct understanding of his future.