Chapter 376 "Void World" and "The First Step to Ascend to the Other Shore" (Subscribe Please)_2


Countless all-out strikes, but this Void World still stood tall, unshaken; not to mention breaking it completely, not even a slight impact was made.

This caused Milton Cheney to frown slightly.

If the first step to ascending to the Beyond the Horizon was this difficult, then how hard must it be for a Beyond the Horizon Power to emerge.

And if the instincts of this body cannot even take the first step, where does the confidence come from to choose to ascend to the Beyond the Horizon?

"Could it be that I'm going about it the wrong way?"

Milton Cheney felt somewhat perplexed.

But that didn't make sense because, in his memory, in order to break the Void World, one had to rely on one's own strength.

If it's not the wrong method, then perhaps it's not time yet.

With this thought, Milton Cheney stopped overthinking, suppressed the distractions in his mind with a thought, and again started to repeatedly exert his full strength to impact the Void World.
