Chapter 383 "Eon Years" and "Seven Spirits Limit" (Please Subscribe)_2


This was also Milton Cheney's goal in this round of Reincarnation Simulation.

However, since it was a goal, it meant that achieving this step was bound to be extremely difficult.

Of course, Milton still had some confidence in himself.

As long as no accidents occurred in this Reincarnation Simulation, he still harbored considerable hope of making a breakthrough to the Level 8 Realm.

But that would definitely require an extraordinarily long period of time.

In this long stretch of time, he could not afford any accidents; if an accident led to the end of this Reincarnation Simulation,

then his goal would become unattainable.

This Reincarnation Simulation, from the beginning of reincarnating into this world until now, breaking through to the Level 7 Realm, had proceeded extremely smoothly.

Whether this smooth progress could be maintained until the end of the simulation was something Milton Cheney was unclear about.

Nonetheless, Milton hoped it could last until the very end.