Chapter 385 "Breakthrough Success" and "Eight Spirits Realm" (Subscribe Please)_2


No unexpected situations occurred.

This was, in fact, within Milton Cheney's expectations.

Although he had never broken through to the Eighth Spiritual Realm and lacked experience in that regard,

he had experienced breakthroughs in the realms below the Eighth Spiritual Realm and had relevant experience.

When he had broken through from the Fifth to the Sixth Spiritual Realm, no accidents had occurred.

The same was true when he broke through from the Sixth to the Seventh Spiritual Realm.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, Milton Cheney didn't need to worry about any unforeseen incidents.

Indeed, Milton Cheney was right not to worry, because even up to this moment, no unexpected situations had arisen.

"I hope there will be no accidents in this final step."

Within the Cultivation Space, Milton Cheney slowly opened his eyes, temporarily halting the Spiritual Body Transformation.

He mused to himself at this moment.