Chapter 391 "Eighth True Body Simulation" and "Deducing the Eighth Stage Wizard Immortal Path" (Seeking Subscriptions)_2


After all, the Wizard Immortal Cultivation Path is much more formidable than the Lifespan Cultivation Path.

After pondering for a brief moment, Milton Cheney did not hesitate any longer.

With a slight movement of his thought, the light blue light curtain floating in front of him changed.

A line of black text emerged from the light curtain.

[Do you wish to begin True Body Simulation?]


Without hesitation, Milton Cheney decisively initiated the True Body Simulation.

The next moment, apart from the disappearance of the light blue light curtain that represented the Simulator before his eyes, the world remained unchanged.

However, having undergone countless True Body Simulations, Milton Cheney was well aware that the simulation had indeed commenced.

Within the Transcendence Path.

Milton Cheney's expression was very calm.

Although he knew that the True Body Simulation had started, he was in no rush.