Chapter 399 "Combining Two Upgrades" & "The Huge Change in the Simulator" (Please Subscribe)_1

[Wizard's Life Simulator 7.0 begins upgrading, with an estimated upgrade time of 4800 hours.]

The inevitable has arrived!

Just as Milton Cheney had anticipated, after he had used up all his accumulated Simulation Counts, the Simulator finally began to upgrade.

Hearing the mechanical voice in his mind, Milton felt a slight stirring in his heart.

For he noticed something different about this Simulator Upgrade compared to the last one.

"Upgrade time, 4800 hours, which is two hundred days."

"This is different from before; the previous upgrades of the Simulator seemed to take 2400 hours. The time has doubled this time. Could it be that two upgrades are happening simultaneously?"

Milton pondered quietly to himself.

The upgrade time for the Simulator had already changed once before, and now, it had changed again.

Since the Simulator had undergone a change, extending the upgrade time,