Chapter 408 "Fivefold Reincarnation Simulation" and "The Mother River of the Demon King" (Subscribe Please)_1

The True Body Simulation with node retention isn't really that different from the ordinary True Body Simulation.

After all, in the True Body Simulation, Milton Cheney's focus was still on the deduction of Realms; what time he was in during the simulation didn't really affect him.

To reach that point in reality is still far off.

If billions of years had truly passed in reality, Milton Cheney's Realm would have already advanced to an unknown level.

After pondering for a moment, Milton Cheney didn't dwell on it any further.

His consciousness stirred slightly, and his gaze returned to the Light Screen of the Simulator floating before him.

[Text Simulation Count: 22]

[Reincarnation Simulation Count: 5]

The two Simulation Counts accrued over two thousand years were already used up by Milton Cheney.

Although the help they provided couldn't be said to be particularly great, it was not insignificant.