Chapter 410: "Five-time Transformation" and "Seventh Stage Demon" (Subscribe Please)_2

It was precisely because this Transformation affected the Talent Ability, causing a qualitative change in it, that he felt this way.

After all, Demon Transformations always evolve in a positive direction.

Naturally, it wouldn't be possible for a single Transformation to strip away the Talent Ability unique to Milton Cheney's Demon body.

The Transformation of the Demon body had now been thoroughly completed.

In fact, time was not all that important to Milton during the Transformation process.

Since the passage of time was virtually meaningless to him when he had completely emptied his Consciousness at that time.

What's more, after the completion of his Transformation and the advancement of his Realm, his lifespan would also increase dramatically.

"The changes in the Talent Ability after the completion of the Transformation are not insignificant, but they're still not particularly helpful to me at the moment,"

Milton mused to himself at that moment.