Chapter 413 "Orange Orb" and "The New World in the 6th Universe" (Subscribe)_1

Reincarnation Simulation Ended, Milton Cheney's consciousness returned to reality.

Inside the Path of Transcendence, Milton slowly opened his eyes.

At that moment, the familiar sights from the True Body Simulation had all vanished before him.

Although he was still within the Path of Transcendence, the reality of the Path was entirely different from the scenery in the True Body Simulation.

After all, Milton had remained at the Starting Point of the Path of Transcendence once he became a Transcendent, in the reality outside the Simulator.

Of course, despite the change in scenery, Milton felt no sense of strangeness.

After every simulation, he would return here, naturally feeling no alienation.

Upon awakening from the darkness, a slight shift occurred in Milton's heart.

In the midst of his thoughts, numerous ideas surged forth from his mind.

Then, Milton cast aside the clutter in his heart.