Chapter 414 "Primal Spirit Realm" and "Abyssal Crawlers" (Please Subscribe)_1

Time slowly passed, and Milton Cheney's consciousness gradually awoke from the darkness.

"No inherited memories have emerged, it seems this world requires me to explore on my own?"

This was the first thought that surged through Milton Cheney's mind after regaining consciousness.

At this moment, his consciousness had already left the darkness, and the memories in his mind remained unchanged.

The next moment, Milton Cheney summoned the power of an Eighth Stage Wizard Immortal, sensing his body.

As expected, the realm he possessed in reality was retained in this reincarnation simulation.

After all, this was his fifth overlaid reincarnation simulation.

Although the realm was carried over, Milton Cheney still perceived something amiss.

His body was no longer the one he had in reality.

In being reincarnated into this world, it seemed he could no longer be considered human.

He could still sense his own existence, but not in the form of a human in this world.